10 Dream Opponents For CM Punk In WWE

7. AJ Styles

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL CM Punk Seth Rollins

CM Punk and AJ Styles are very different men now than they were when the pair last locked horns back in 2004. Both went on to succeed against all the odds, but took vastly different paths to WWE stardom. In 2023, AJ has quietly gone about his business, whereas Punk has become known more for backstage shenanigans.

Time to shoot, brother!

Styles has already worked in some shoot comments during feuds with everyone from Randy Orton to John Cena. He's no stranger to cutting words that fan flames before tasty bouts on PLE, and he'd surely relish the chance to give Punk a piece of his mind.

Of course, a match like this wouldn't build any new stars, but it would be a dazzler for old school ROH fans or those who like seeing WWE present matches nobody thought they'd witness in 2023/2024. Book this for the older crowd, then watch the pair delight a younger demographic too.

If you've followed Punk closely on social media over the last few years, you'll know that the animosity is very real - which always helps!

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