10 Dream Wrestling Matches (That We Really Needed To Happen This Decade)

7. The Rock Vs. Shawn Michaels

Stone Cold CM Punk

Back in the late '90s, you'd would've been hard-pressed to find any superstar from any generation with the charisma, personality and ring presence of Shawn Michaels - and yet, following his career-changing back injury, one of his own colleagues redefined his own career by exhibiting every single one of those qualities. Yep, Michaels just missed the meteoric rise of The Rock and, ever since, fans have been longing to see the pair square off.

A feud that would have undoubtedly produced just as many exhilarating promos as it would have awe-inspiring matches, it would have been ideal were it to take place at some point throughout the previous decade, but the pair just seemed like the pair were never destined to cross paths. Michaels' miraculous return to the company foreshadowed The Rock's departure for Hollywood and by the time 'The Great One' returned to the company for part-time stints between 2012 and 2013, HBK had permanently retired.

As Michaels' recent return to the ring in 2018 proved, he could have been persuaded to return had the circumstances (and the price) been right, so it's unfortunate that the stars never aligned for the pair throughout this last decade. Though he may always return for "One More Match", his advanced age, and the fact that The Rock endured an injury before his 2013 departure, suggests that he'd be better suited to a different (younger) performer.

The fact that they kept missing each other throughout their careers may have been a sign after all. Perhaps this one was just never supposed to happen.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.