10 DUMB WWE Matches (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

7. House Of Horrors

Hornswoggle WWE WeeLC

Anyone who was there in attendance or watching from home will agree that Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt flopped at 'Mania 33. Whatever they were going for didn't work, so there wasn't much excitement for an oddly-named 'House Of Horrors' cinematic showpiece at Payback 2017.

It was functional at best, but did lay the framework for more cinematic stuff to come during the COVID pandemic in 2020. WWE had to dive deep into their bag of tricks to find unique ways to keep people interested, and they revived what Bray and Randy had flirted with on a 'B' tier pay-per-view three years prior.

Hell, Wyatt himself added sequels to his cinematic universe vs. John Cena and Braun Strowman. Would anybody have thought to do that, or splice in 'Boneyard' battles between The Undertaker and AJ Styles, had 'House Of Horrors' not formed a blueprint? Maybe that's being generous, but screw it - let's give 'em some credit.

Rewatching 'House Of Horrors' came in real handy for WWE chiefs during the closed door days.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.