10 DUMB WWE Matches (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

2. A Dual Money In The Bank Match

Hornswoggle WWE WeeLC

Heads were scratched and eyebrows were raised when WWE announced that both the men's and women's Money In The Bank matches would take place at exactly the same time in 2020. Not only that, they'd occur at WWE HQ in Stamford, and the winners would have to scale ladders in a ring placed on top of the building itself.


What ensued was a banter-filled cinematic episode that played for laughs by including a Paul Heyman food fight, cameos from "Doink The Clown" (some lad in a clown outfit anyway), Brother Love and even Stephanie McMahon. It was goofy when everyone fought through the HQ gym and hallways, then up onto the roof.

You'll probably never see anything like this ever again, and that's why it should be cherished. WWE tried something different with MITB during the closed door days because they could. Why not? It's hardly like the standard ladder stuff is fresh and original anyway by comparison.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.