10 Dumbest Things That Happened At WrestleMania 31

7. Big Show's Dominance At The Expense Of Rising Stars

Last year€™s Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal was a glorious, star-making moment for Cesaro, as he lifted The Big Show over his head and slammed him to the outside, echoing Hulk Hogan€™s infamous slam of Andre himself. While what followed for Cesaro certainly wouldn€™t capitalise on this moment as well as it should have, the battle royal still had potential to make new stars. Heading into the match, the favourites were either The Miz or Damien Mizdow,as they were pretty much the only two people to have storylines aside from the delusional Curtis Axel. Instead, it was the forty-three year old, twenty year veteran who used to be the kayfabe son of Andre The Giant who got the win. While on paper there€™s nothing wrong with The Big Show getting the win, and certainly he deserves recognition for a legendary career, there was no reason for it to come at the cost of so many young and popular superstars. Big Show made ten eliminations over the course of the match, including Ryback, Miz & Mizdow and the fan favourite from NXT, Hideo Itami. For the past year, WWE have been giving the rub to the likes of Kane and Big Show who don€™t really need anything else, as they€™ve entered the portion of their careers where they need to be putting over the new generation of stars. The Andre Battle Royal ended up being the most egregious example of this yet, and in a few weeks the fact that The Big Show won will be as memorable as whoever won the Bragging Rights trophy all those years ago.

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