10 Early Predictions For WWE WrestleMania 34
9. The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal is entrenched as a WrestleMania institution, even if few care about and even fewer have actually benefitted from winning the thing. It's becoming a punchline when the intention is to build it as some prestigious tradition - but it hasn't quite degenerated into such a total farce that WWE has to wash its hands of it.
It's a convenient way of cramming a bunch of bodies onto the Kickoff show. Until it becomes a completely poisoned chalice, it isn't going away - but if it has anything going for it, it's that the winner is nigh-on impossible to predict. Far easier to determine is who is going to feature in it: namely, every full-time performer WWE cares little for at the time. The outer reaches of SmackDown's tag scene are certain bets - ditto Apollo Crews, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel et al.
WWE has big summer plans for Bray Wyatt, if the close of this week's RAW is any indication - but the timing of his umpteenth reset push doesn't auger well for his 'Mania 34 prospects because he has been the recipient of so much trademark fitful WWE booking.
WWE loses interest in performers rapidly - and Wyatt may yet be afforded wrestling's worst consolation prize on April 2, 2017.