10 Elimination Chamber Participants Who Never Stood A Chance

1. Mike Knox

Elimination Chamber 2012

(Edge Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. John Cena Vs. Mike Knox Vs. Kane - No Way Out 2009)

"Who's that?" asked Shawn Michaels. "He's a guy in ECW," replied Triple H.

That burial from Survivor Series 2006 tells you everything you need to know about Mike Knox's chances when he's put into a big match.

Three years after suffering the earliest elimination in Survivor Series history, he was being pushed on Raw as a monster heel. When the Elimination Chamber came round at No Way Out 2009 we'd once again see Knox knocking around with main event stars, this time for the chance to win the World Heavyweight Championship from John Cena. Can you image?

This match is remembered for Edge taking Kofi Kingston out of the equation and replacing him. This was perfectly fine and nobody on the roster questioned how he was allowed to leave with the gold. That's wrestling though. What it's not remembered for is Knox, who outlasted Kane before being pinned by Chris Jericho after a Codebreaker. Thanks for coming.

Nobody thought he would win... and he didn't. A week after the match, nobody remembered that he was even in it. Perhaps most damning of all is that this was his only time main eventing a pay-per-view or challenging for a championship in WWE.


When I'm not trying my hardest to visit all 50 U.S. states, I'm listening to music from the 80s, watching TV from the 90s, and reminiscing about growing up in the 00s. I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia so WWE premium live events are on Sunday afternoons for me; the absolute dream.