10 Embarrassing WWE Debuts You’ve Totally Forgotten About

10. Kizarny (2 January 2009 - SmackDown)

Kizarny MVP WWE

Flat, lifeless crowd? Check. A botched finisher? Check. Awkward dancing on the way to the ring? Check. Announcers struggling to put the new gimmick over as someone fans should care about? Check. Poor Kizarny was battling a sh*t ton of negatives before even dashing through the curtain.

His debut on the 2 January 2009 SmackDown was awful.

The character had supposedly run away as a youth to join the circus, but Kizarny was really an inside joke about behind-the-scenes vernacular, or 'carny'. You might know the kind - fans are "mizarks", not marks, and holds are "hizolds". That sort of stuff. Yeah...this was never going to work.

MVP gamely tried his best to put the newcomer over, but nobody was left convinced. WWE obviously agreed that it was a washout, because they quickly phased their new theatrical freak out and released him two months later.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.