10 Embarrassing WWE Debuts You’ve Totally Forgotten About

9. Naked Mideon (28 August 2000 - Raw)

Naked Mideon

It was probably warmer inside the Greensboro Coliseum than usual on 28 August 2000, but temperatures weren't hot enough for someone to go streaking. Sadly for all onlookers, that's exactly what 'Naked' Mideon did during a mixed tag pitting Perry Saturn and Terri Runnels against Al Snow and The Kat.

Jerry Lawler loved every second of it, because of course he did.

The skin-loving colour commentator was one of the only ones though. Almost everyone else jokingly wolf whistled, sat in stunned amazement or hurled lung butter into their overpriced popcorn. The WWF had a new character, and he was fond of showing off the most jiggly of his jiggly bits on live television.

Mideon entered the ring as Snow and Saturn traded moves, gyrated like an 'Attitude' era precursor to New Day's Big E and then bolted from the scene. Weirdly, this supposed nudist was wearing pretty much the same amount of clothing as Perry.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.