10 Embarrassing WWE Debuts You’ve Totally Forgotten About

8. Avatar (23 October 1995 - Raw)

Avatar WWE

Things were somehow worse for Snow almost five years earlier.

During his Raw debut as the masked Avatar character (a mask he only put on when the bell sounded), the future mannequin head-toting maniac depressed Vince McMahon to the point that one could audibly hear the WWF boss losing any and all enthusiasm for his Power Rangers-meets-Hayabusa gimmick.

Tasked with taking jobber Bryan Walsh to pieces and showcasing his skills, Avatar instead became the human version of a slip n' slide. He botched his earliest offence, which led McMahon to excuse this masked ninja by explaining that his mask was obscuring his vision, and Walsh refused to sell some of his stuff.

Fans, who had probably already sat through endless squash matches and dull mid-'90s fare, responded in kind with complete silence. The debut was so bad that Avatar lost his scheduled spot at Survivor Series '95 and was replaced by Bob Holly. Ouch.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.