10 Embarrassing WWE Debuts You’ve Totally Forgotten About

7. Friar Ferguson (12 April 1993 - Raw)

Friar Ferguson

You know your first gimmick was the sh*ts when 'creative services' renames you Bastion Booger and believes the best way to rescue your Federation career is to become the WWF's resident slob. That was the fate of one Mike Shaw - his introduction as the diabolically bad Friar Ferguson was ghastly.

On the 12 April 1993 episode of Raw (just over one week after WrestleMania IX), Ferguson was introduced as the "mad monk" and beat local job guy Chris Duffy. His shaky performance was a kiss of death for the gimmick before it even really got started. To fans looking on, this Friar was just some old dude with bad knees and nothing more.

Again, the fact that Vince McMahon and his merry band of creative minds decided that Booger would be an improvement says it all. Friar Ferguson was that much of a disgrace, and it wasn't Duffy's fault. He did everything any self-respecting enhancement worker is supposed to do, but Friar couldn't meet him halfway.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.