10 Embarrassing WWE Debuts You’ve Totally Forgotten About

6. Kerwin White (10 September 2005 - Heat)

Kerwin White 1
"Chavo? Chavo has left the building. He's probably trying to get a job at some taco stand like all the rest of those unemployed Hispanics" - Chavo Guerrero, 2005.

On 10 September 2005, Guerrero ditched his proud heritage to become the offensively atrocious Kerwin White. The gimmick blended Frank Sinatra sounds, golf and some sort of weird, WWE version of old-timey white supremacy, and it was one of the worst things to ever hit the pro wrestling scene.

Forget the fact that this character debuted on Sunday Night Heat for a second, because that was the least of Chavo's problems. Fans were totally unconvinced that changing the skilled Cruiserweight into one of Vince McMahon's Connecticut neighbours (probably, but it had to be based on somebody) was the right move.

Their skepticism would prove correct. Nobody wanted this race-baiting b*llocks - nobody. It was embarrassing to see someone as respected as Chavo be reduced to such a one-note joke who needed racism to even provoke a reaction from an audience who couldn't wait to hit the merch stands.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.