10 Embarrassing WWE Debuts You’ve Totally Forgotten About

5. The Shining Stars (16 May 2016 - Raw)

shining stars

Shills for the Puerto Rican tourism board.

That was literally Primo and Epico's new gimmick, and they gave it a test run on the 16 May 2016 edition of Raw to the delight of precisely no-one. One can only guess that WWE challenged its writing staff to come up with some follow-up nobody would guess after the tag-team had previously played matadors. 'Hey, how about holiday reps?'.

The Shining Stars, as they were re-dubbed, were handed several weeks of boring vignettes before encouraging local job lads Scott Jackson and Bryan Kennedy to book up for San Juan boat tours immediately. After all, visiting the "Shining Star of the Caribbean" had to be better than the $150 they were paid to take bumps.

Fans didn't care, and why would they have? The team's vignettes hadn't exactly painted them as killer heels who deserved to be booed, and few were going to leap out of their seats at the prospect of seeing glorified travel agents wrestle.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.