10 Emotional Times Vince McMahon Cried His Eyes Out

6. The Rock's Birthday

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGz2b4hn4rk Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels obviously had a profound effect on Vince McMahon. Another main event wrestler who made the Chairman emotional is Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. As part of The Rock's 2011 return, Vince McMahon interrupted a Rock promo and proceeded to cut a shoot. Gushing with gratitude, McMahon states "Of all the thank you's, a heartfelt thank you Rock for coming home." McMahon's face then quivers, showing his real emotion over the very true sentiment. As the camera focuses on McMahon, the HD broadcast revealed a reddening of Vince's eyes. Blinking back tears, it was clear on the live HD that the chairman was crying. This genuine emotion was touching to see and is further evidence of just how close Vince gets to his main event stars. There's genuine appreciation in Vince's relationships with his top talent. This whole segment wasn't to put over a storyline, it was purely Vince wishing Rock a happy birthday, thanking him with a beautifully produced 'Coming Home' video package.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.