10 Most Epic WWE Smackdown Moments

10. Rhyno Gores Chris Jericho Into The Smackdown Set

Chris Jericho was a babyface in the summer of 2001 that was feuding with Rhyno in the build up to SummerSlam that year. On the August 9, 2001 episode things escalated to the point that they had to take their battle outside the ring. When Jericho got to the staging area, Rhyno was there to do a cheap attack. He weakened Jericho with a suplex onto the stage. As Jericho stumbled to his feet, Rhyno stepped back and absolutely nailed him with a devastating Gore that took out the Smackdown logo that was at the top of the stage. http://youtu.be/TY3SFCm_Afo It was a cool spot because we hadn't seen anybody do that before. They weren't going through some heavy object or anything like that, but it was a nice visual to see Rhyno giving him a Gore like that. One week after that Gore by Rhyno, the Smackdown set change and it was the one that had the giant fist at the top of it. That's why they did the spot with Rhyno taking out Jericho like that. It was impressive, plus it was necessary too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.