10 Exact Moments Wrestlers Told WWE Creative “Enough Is Enough”

Roman Reigns reached breaking point with WWE creative. Then...BOOM! 'Tribal Chief'!

Roman Reigns Dog Food

As the great Owen Hart once said: “Enough is enough, and it’s time for a change!”.

WWE burns through a lot of creative. There isn't much time to sit down and plan things out long-term, because the product moves at such a breakneck pace. This only makes it even more remarkable that the Roman Reigns-led Bloodline story has been so carefully constructed and executed to perfection.

That might never have happened had Roman not looked writers in the eye and asked something like, 'What are we doing here?!'. The former 'Big Dog' isn't the only one to have that conversation, and some have been 100x more fiery than his approach.

Sometimes, WWE's creative process pushes wrestlers to breaking point, and they just can't take anymore. So, they decide they've had enough and either force through meaningful change or leave the company behind seemingly for good. That's happened more than once over the years, which is probably quite alarming.

Prepare to see physically and mentally shattered workers aplenty here. Some managed to fight through the pain and come out smiling on the other side. Others? They ripped it all up and started again.

10. Jon Moxley’s Inoculation Pain

Roman Reigns Dog Food

This was quite literally a pain in the arse for Jon Moxley.

The then-Dean Ambrose received a jab in the butt from a fake doctor on the 26 November 2018 edition of Raw, and it was very-much a final straw moment for him. Moxley later told anyone who'd listen in interviews that he hated the inoculation segment with a passion.

WWE's kayfabe doc was supposed to protect Ambrose from a "disgusting, disease-riddled fanbase" Deano felt had turned sour. It was all rather over-the-top; not especially a bad thing in pro wrestling, but this sure didn't suit Mox. He was tired of company life anyway though, to be fair.

Ambrose detested the skit so much it hurled him towards the WWE exit doors. Enough was enough, he said, and the former Shield man elected to leave the promotion completely. He was gone by April 2019, then popped up amidst much fanfare at AEW's first Double Or Nothing pay-per-view.

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Roman Reigns
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.