10 Exact Moments WWE Killed Careers

7. Hornswoggle Is The Anonymous GM

Steve Austin Lance Storm Boring

There was a time when this writer just wanted to see Finlay punt Hornswoggle in the head to write him off television. Yes, this dude had an irrational hatred of the pint-sized grappler's gimmick for years, so imagine the scenes in his living room come the 9 July 2012 edition of Raw.

There, in a sh*tty reveal that reeked of a company cop out, lil' Horny was revealed as the 'Anonymous Raw GM' who had previously been calling shots between 2010-2011. WWE thought they'd put the idea to bed by...using Swoggle as a barrier against fan annoyance because they didn't have a satisfactory solution.

Oh man, this was horrible.

Worse, it wrecked the little dude's relationship with those in the stands who didn't mind him. He'd been placed in a no-win scenario as the sacrificial lamb on this occasion, and it was a step too far for most. Post-GM reveal, Horny drifted from lame idea to lame idea without any sense of direction before leaving the promotion.

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Steve Austin
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