10 Exact Moments WWE Storylines Lost Us

1. Austin Joins The Alliance (2001)

Dean Ambrose Jon Moxley

Alongside "Who Run Over Steve Austin?" and "Who Is The 'Higher Power'?", WWE's "Invasion" storyline definitely ranks as one of the biggest creative flops in company history.

After fantasising over what a WCW vs. WWE battle would actually look like throughout the Monday Night Wars, fans were eventually treated to invading names like Booker T and, erm, Buff Bagwell popping up on Raw and SmackDown in June 2001.

But there was still hope that this WCW/ECW invasion could live up to expectations, with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin even eventually being forced to return to his badass babyface ways of old in order to lead a WWE unit into battle against the big bad Alliance.

Rather than kick off a new Austin era of ass-whooping mayhem, though, said face turn lasted a grand total of one week, of course. In what felt like a monumental slap in the face, Austin reverted back to fighting the villainous fight during the InVasion show, stabbing his WWE teammates in the back as he gifted his new allies the victory on the night.

Just like that, Austin was once again a heel nobody really wanted to boo. And after oddly joining forces with his mortal enemy Vince McMahon just a few months earlier, here he was spearheading a company that he was unceremoniously fired from a few years earlier.

It made zero sense, and watching long-time face of WWE Austin nonsensically stepping into the role of leader of WCW/ECW was the final straw for many.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...