10 Examples Of WWE Punishment Booking
1. Robbie McAllister
WWE has never really regarded TNA as a serious competitor, but at the same time it also doesn't like it when its wrestlers turn up, unscheduled, in the Impact Zone.
That's what happened in early 2008, when Robbie McAllister - one half of the Highlanders - was spotted in the crowd by the TNA cameras (which, however funny, was a bit of a d*ck move by its production team).
Off screen, McAllister was said to have lost out on his WrestleMania appearance money. On it, he was squashed in less than a minute by a particularly intense-looking JBL, who threw in some trademark stiff blows for good measure.
You can always rely on WWE's 'Wrestling God' to keep the up-and-comers in check, although he perhaps takes the role a little too seriously sometimes.