10 Extreme Wrestling Matches Mick Foley Has Probably Forgotten

8. vs. Randy Orton (WWE Backlash 2004)

Amazingly, even though an earlier entry on this list is from 2010, Mick Foley was considered past his prime 6 years earlier. Randy Orton was in the midst of his 'Legend Killer' phase, facing everyone from Shawn Michaels to Jake 'The Snake' Roberts in the ring. When it was Foley's turn, he of course wanted to up the stakes, and the result was one of the best Intercontinental Title matches of all time. Battling under hardcore rules, this one had everything from standard brawling and the usual exciting atmosphere, to thumbtacks and the old trusty barbed wire baseball bat. To this day, Foley still considers this match with Orton, held at WWE's Backlash Pay-Per-View in 2004, as one of his best ever. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2jthd0_randy-orton-vs-mick-foley-backlash-2004-highlights_sport As was expected, Mick put his body through hell in order to make the younger Orton look like a million bucks, something which was achieved tenfold during this match. Foley had whipped himself into pretty decent shape for this one, determined to prove that he was still the top hardcore brawler in the business. On the evidence of this bout, it was hard to argue with the guy.
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