10 Extreme Wrestling Matches Mick Foley Has Probably Forgotten

5. vs. The Undertaker (WWF Summerslam 1996)

During his debut year, Mick Foley definitely proved that he could be an absolute treasure amongst the WWF roster. Landing with a fitting thump in 1996, Foley assumed the guise of Mankind, a character that proved to be the ideal foil for The Undertaker. For many fans, this was a revelation - after years of watching 'Taker be forced to battle lumbering giants, Foley was perfect. At Summerslam 1996, the pair would meet in a Boiler Room Brawl. Most of the match was pre-taped, with the only action being taped on the night obviously occurring when both men brawled in front of the live crowd in the arena. The wrestlers must have been thankful for the opportunity of a rest, because the backstage brawl was quite stiff and sore looking! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pchip_wwf-summerslam-1996-mankind-vs-the-undertaker_sport A massive bump from a ladder onto a collection of pipes and boxes is well-known. Even though bumps through tables are likely not safe or painless, at least there's something to give the illusion of breaking the fall, but Foley had nothing but metal and cardboard to cushion his descent onto the floor. In Foley's words, the pain was worth it, because the match was entirely unique, with most of it being played to fans in the arena via big screens.
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