10 Extreme Wrestling Matches Mick Foley Has Probably Forgotten

4. vs. Vader (WCW Saturday Night 1993)

In 1994, Mick Foley would lose most of his ear during a match in Germany against Vader, which gives fans who aren't so familiar with their bouts some degree of indication just how brutal their matches were together. WCW is often regarded as a promotion which didn't get it right a lot of the time, but they created instant magic by pairing Vader and Foley together. In 1993, the promotion were taping most of their television output at a soundstage in the old Disney-MGM Studios, giving broadcasts a tight, unique feel. The closest comparison in modern times would be TNA's long run at Universal Studios, and WCW's shows had a similar vibe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VN0kM0aKJk Vader must have really enjoyed working with Foley, because he was willing to do anything possible, not to mention take the substantial punishment that the big man from the Rocky Mountains liked to dish out. During a match on WCW Saturday Night, Foley shocked a lot of people by taking a Powerbomb on the exposed concrete floor around ringside, and was subsequently knocked goofy.
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