10 Failed Pushes That Weren't WWE's Fault

8. The Great Khali

Hideo Itami

You could probably say that WWE were at fault for actually trying to make this happen, but the end result was really out of their control.

It's easy to see why WWE would want to make Khali work, the man was - and still is - an absolute monster and the world of wrestling is a perfect fit for him. When he joined the company in 2006, he debuted to a shocking push. This colossus was entered straight into a feud with The Undertaker, even defeating him at Judgement Day.

The Punjabi Playboy even bested then-Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio in a dramatic squash match, and eventually captured the vacated title himself in 2007. However, this run at the top of the card was horrendous, and he would eventually end up in a mid-card comic relief role after losing it.

Khali failed on account of his lack of skill. The company tried to work around this and still make him a star by giving him dominant high-profile wins, but it just wasn't in the cards, as after barely any time at all, his flaws as a performer became far too great to ignore.

Pushing him was a mistake in the first place, but the company must have hoped that his flaws would be unnoticeable thanks to his size.

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