10 Famous Wrestlers Who Had Only One WWE Title Match

8. Brutus Beefcake

William Regal WWE Champion

At Starrcade 1994, WCW's biggest show of the year, Hulk Hogan put his World championship on the line against The Butcher, AKA his bestest buddy in the whole wide world, Ed Leslie.

Better known as Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, Leslie is one of wrestling's greatest coattail-riders, having successfully mooched off of Hogan's popularity for pretty much his entire career. 

In the WWE, Beefcake teamed with The Hulkster at both SummerSlam 1989 and WrestleMania IX, and wouldn't you know it, his one and only televised World title match was also against his former kayfabe brother. 

Beefers was a fairly regularly house show opponent for Hogan during the mid-80s, but faced him on TV on the February 16th 1985 episode of WWF on the PRISM Network. This was a fairly big deal, as the episode took place during the build to the first WrestleMania. 

As everybody knows, Mr. T did not team with Brutus Beefcake in the main event of that show, so you can probably figure out that Ed was not successful in this match. Still, it was a big day for the Hulkster's favourite disicple, and that's all that matters.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.