10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2010

8. Vince McMahon Wanted Off-Screen Bad

Rey Dominik Mysterio CM Punk Heel Turn 2010

It’s crazy to think about now, but the 2007 limo explosion was supposed to write Vince’s Mr. McMahon character off TV for good. The Chris Benoit tragedy changed those plans, so McMahon tried again in 2010. Yep, that awkward kicking Bret Hart gave him at WrestleMania XXVI was supposed to be the end for McMahon's tyrannical on-screen persona.

He reportedly viewed 'Mania as the correct time to go out, not least because the ‘Montreal Screwjob’ involving Bret had given birth to his heel character in the first place 13 years prior. Things didn't work out as planned. The match was a total mess, and Vince would hang around as a sporadic on-screen character for another decade plus.

Bruce Prichard has noted via his podcast series that McMahon repeatedly pitched for his character to be killed off. The match vs. Hart was supposed to be a softer "killing" than the limo drama, but it was earmarked as his ultimate comeuppance. He's since resigned in disgrace, and is currently subject to an investigation about alleged sexual offences.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.