10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2010

2. WWE Kept Daniel Bryan’s Return From Nexus

Rey Dominik Mysterio CM Punk Heel Turn 2010

Daniel Bryan was fired following an infamous choking angle during the first Nexus attack on Raw in June, but WWE rehired him in time for SummerSlam and sneaked Bryan into the venue. Remarkably, even those on the Nexus side were only given basic instructions for the match without knowing what was really happening.

In short, nobody was really sure who the surprise replacement for The Great Khali would be.

WWE went to extreme lengths here. They didn't want the shock reveal to get spoiled online, which only makes it hilarious/tragic (depending on your point of view) that the company ruined their own surprise by posting about it on Twitter before it happened. Tell us you hadn’t figured out social media without telling us you hadn’t figured out social media!

It's difficult to imagine that top stars like John Cena, Chris Jericho and Edge were kept in the dark, but apparently some of the Nexus guys didn't have a clue what was going to happen. Leaving this sort of thing to chance in one of the biggest matches of the year and kneecapping your hot new heel faction? Good move...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.