10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2012

9. Christian Was Loaned To TNA For Ric Flair

The Shield Roman Reigns Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose Jon Moxley

McMahon didn't like the thought of his talent appearing elsewhere, but apparently had zero issues with promoting workers who weren't even on his books. WWE announced that The Four Horsemen would be inducted into the 2012 Hall Of Fame before even contacting TNA to see if they'd let Ric Flair show up.

Where's some of that arrogance Rick Martel used to spray?!

Both parties eventually came to an agreement, but WWE had to play ball with TNA by sending one of their contracted wrestlers the other way as a one-off. Christian (Cage) appeared at Slammiversary in June as makeweight for Flair doing the HOF bit. The story goes that some within TNA were shocked that Dixie Carter asked for Christian and not an even bigger star. Randy Orton, perhaps?

Dixie was real fond of Cage though, and had positive memories of working with him a few years before. Christian didn't do that much in TNA before jetting back to WWE, but everybody involved was happy enough with how things turned out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.