10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2012

8. The Undertaker Told Brodus Clay To “Fall”

The Shield Roman Reigns Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose Jon Moxley

Don't call your momma - just fall over.

That was The Undertaker's advice to one Brodus Clay before the former heel brute's repackage job under the new 'Funkasaurus' gimmick. 'Taker approached Clay backstage pre-9 January 2012 Raw debut, and told him to take a prat fall on the stage. Why? Well, that'd ruin the moment and force WWE to scrap the character.

Brodus told this story on 'Talk Is Jericho' a few years back. According to him, 'The Deadman' really didn't like what WWE's writers had planned for him. Clay's only way out was to make such a mess of the debut that Vince would furiously demand his creative team come up with something else.

In the end, Brodus didn’t take that advice. He did his best to entertain and make the goofy gimmick work out, but it was clearly doomed to fail from the off. Fans got a kick out of the 'Funkasaurus' thing for maybe 10 minutes before everyone got bored. Except McMahon, obviously.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.