10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2012

5. Fred Durst Was Kicked Out Of SummerSlam

The Shield Roman Reigns Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose Jon Moxley

It's common practice for WWE to show off celebrity interest during pay-per-views. The biz has always tried to cling on to some mainstream media relevance, but it makes sense if celebs bring some casual eyeballs to shows along the way. By 2012, Fred Durst certainly wasn't going to do that. The Limp Bizkit singer's ship had sailed, at least until that temporary surge of renewed interest in the band years later.

At SummerSlam, Fred decided to give the camera a middle finger like this was 1999 and he was doing an impression of Steve Austin. WWE chiefs immediately freaked behind the scenes, and the frontman was quickly booted out of the arena for his antics. It's safe to assume Mr. Durst wasn't expecting that treatment.

Later, Bizkit's main man lambasted WWE’s PG image compared to the wild days of ‘Attitude’. Announcers would've laughed at his middle finger many moons before, but not during an era of corporate sponsorship and kid-friendly content. Kicking him out of the building was admittedly a bit much, to be fair.

Here's hoping Fred answered with a resounding, "JEAH" when security asked if he'd thrown up the finger.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.