10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2012

6. Daniel Bryan ALMOST Wrestled Charlie Sheen

The Shield Roman Reigns Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose Jon Moxley

This is a quite ridiculous thought.

WWE wanted to book Charlie Sheen for a SummerSlam celeb vs. wrestler match with Daniel Bryan, but the actor was having none of it and eventually said the company couldn't pay him enough to make it reality. However, Sheen did make a cameo on-screen at Raw 1000, but that was a wrap for Charlie’s pro wrestling career.

Bryan ended up working with Kane instead, which was definitely for the best. Seeing Sheen stumble his way through some of the least-convincing, 'I'm excited to watch WWE' banter with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler via Skype was painful enough. Nobody needed to see Bryan f'n Danielson attempt to trade spots with him.

This would've tied into Charlie's Anger Management TV show. Bryan was going through anger management sessions on WWE programming, so it did make some sense. Putting Sheen in tights and asking him to do his best Andy Kaufman would've tanked though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.