10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2014

6. CM Punk Turned Down Beating Triple H

Batista CM Punk WWE 2014

Bryan beat Triple H en route to bagging that belt at 'Mania XXX, but he wasn't supposed to wrestle 'The Game' at all. That spot was pencilled in for want-away rebel CM Punk. However, it’s vital to note that this story was all one-sided and came from Punk himself during an appearance on Colt Cabana’s podcast post-WWE departure.

According to Punk, Vince McMahon tried to claim his undercard ‘Mania match vs. Triple H would be a “main event” attraction. The disgruntled pro was having none of it. He’d been souring on WWE’s lifestyle for a while, the injuries were mounting up, and he told them to stick WrestleMania where the sun don’t shine.

On Cabana's pod, he also revealed that Hunter's involvement played a part in his decision. “I didn’t want to give [Triple H] the f*cking privilege”, he spat. So, Punk departed and Bryan was quickly slotted in as a late-in-the-day replacement. The rest is history.

Punk is still waiting on that elusive 'Mania main event (a real one), but he's on much better terms with Trips in 2024.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.