10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2014

3. Batista Pitched Another Return

Batista CM Punk WWE 2014

Yep, as in a second return in 2014 alone.

Batista returned to win the Rumble in January, but fans rejected him in favour of Daniel Bryan. Batista later admitted during an interview with The Daily Dead that he subsequently knocked back putting Bryan over a second time post-WrestleMania before leaving in June. Dave found the whole comeback thing painful, and couldn't wrap his head around fan response.

Things were a little fraught behind the scenes too. Batista revealed during the same media appearance that both Triple H and Stephanie McMahon laughed at suggestions he return yet again in time for SummerSlam. Putting it mildly, Batista was not chuffed with WWE in 2014. Apparently, they weren't hot on him either.

Management joked that Batista's role in Guardians Of The Galaxy could be a bust. It went on to become one of the best box office smash hits of the year, so Dave had the last laugh. Suddenly, his SummerSlam pitch didn't seem like something to poke fun at.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.