10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2017

3. The Undertaker = First ‘Mania Headliner In His 50s

Goldberg WWE Universal Title Shortest Ever

‘Taker was 52 when he put Roman Reigns over in a sometimes-decent/sometimes-trainwreck WrestleMania 33 main event. That made him the first worker to ever wrestle top billing on the famous event series in his fifties. The Rock joined in at ‘Mania 40, but that was still years away when 33 happened.

Other names like Vince McMahon were over 50 when they worked ‘Mania, but he didn’t main event the show. The Undertaker did. It'd be a bittersweet night for 'The Deadman' though. It became clear after the first few minutes that he didn't have it in him to carry off such epic matches any longer.

More on than in a bit.

'Taker did make company history anyway (irrespective of match quality). Also, looking back, the bout vs. Reigns was a million times better than future clangers vs. Goldberg and D-Generation X would be. Maybe WWE should've kickstarted that cinematic run earlier. They'd have saved a legend some embarrassment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.