10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2017

2. ‘Taker Apologised To Roman Reigns Afterwards

Goldberg WWE Universal Title Shortest Ever
WWE Network

Yeah, about that.

The Undertaker was seriously mortified by his performance in Orlando at ‘Mania - so much so that he pulled Roman Reigns aside and privately apologised for his performance. Ever-respectful to those who paved the way, Roman was having none of it, but the way ‘Taker fell down during multiple Tombstone reversal spots was awful.

WWE revealed the true extent of the icon's embarrassment on a documentary series that came out years later. Footage of him sitting down to watch some of the botched moments from 'Mania 33 with his wife Michelle McCool was an equally fascinating and grim experience. 'Taker went scarlet red at one stage.

As aforementioned, this wouldn't be the final humiliation for one of WWE's greats. Further matches vs. DX and Goldberg would heap more embarrassment on him in 2018 and 2019. Reigns got an apology, at least. 'Taker knew he'd failed to meet his younger peer halfway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.