10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2018

1. Saudi Royalty Wanted Dead WWE Stars

Braun Strowman The Miz Longest WWE TV Match Ever

A bizarre tidbit to emerge from an ugly deal, WWE’'s Saudi Arabia paymasters apparently demanded names like The Ultimate Warrior and Yokozuna for early shows after signing the ten-year contract. 

Of course, both of those guys had passed on years before, so that just wasn’t possible. Though, many speculated (with cause) that the inclusion of total unknown Hiroki Sumi in the titular Greatest Royal Rumble was an attempt to replicate Yoko's magic.

Alongside various other mammoth wrestlers getting a one-off shot in the contest, and Titus O'Neil sliding across the floor before he slid into the ring, this story was yet another distraction from the real story at play - WWE's mutlimillion dollar "Vision 2030" deal was a sign of things to come across the world, regardless of countless ethical protests. 

What other interesting facts do you know about WWE in 2018? For more wrestling, check out 10 Heaviest Wrestlers Of All Time and 10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.