10 Fascinating WWE Facts That Sound Fake... But Will Blow Your Mind!

4. Jey Uso Was The First Person To Pin Roman Reigns On The Main Roster

Roman Reigns first loss

A decade before he was manipulating his cousins at the head of the table, Roman Reigns was seen as the unstoppable heavy artillery within The Shield as the unit went about obliterating the roster.

And it would be almost an entire year before any star was able to successfully pin the 'Big Dog' to the mat for three seconds on the back of his debut alongside Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose at Survivor Series 2012.

Said pin came in the middle of an 11-on-3 Raw handicap match involving the 'Hounds of Justice' taking on Daniel Bryan, R-Truth, Rob Van Dam, The Prime Time Players, Dolph Ziggler, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder and The Usos - what a surreal line-up.

And in a moment that now feels too perfect to be true, a decade before he finally superkicked his way out from under the thumb of the 'Tribal Chief', none other than Jey Uso was the man responsible for Reigns' first pin-fall loss on WWE TV.

WWE clearly knew from the second that Jey splashed Roman into oblivion in 2013 that this had the makings of one of the most captivating wrestling sagas of all time and went about patiently watering this glorious seed for the subsequent decade... clearly.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...