10 Fascinating WWE Facts That Sound Fake... But Will Blow Your Mind!

3. Only 9 People Have Beaten Brock Lesnar Since His 2012 Return

Roman Reigns first loss

In all honesty, the days of being stunned by a seemingly improbable Brock Lesnar stat should be long behind the average wrestling fan.

The man is a one-of-a-kind phenomenon.

But that still likely won't stop you from questioning the surprising fact that Lesnar has actually only been defeated by a grand total of nine different wrestlers since he made his epic return to WWE in 2012.

Just to put that into context, current World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins has been conquered by five different stars in singles action in just the last year.

So, Brock being able to go 11 years without even hitting double figures when it comes to the total number of different individuals to have bested him in the squared-circle is frankly absurd.

And if that statistic wasn't impressive and borderline unbelievable enough for you, only seven of those nine have won their matches against big bad Brock cleanly, with Cody Rhodes being the latest to score a cheeky win against the former WWE Champion at Backlash 2023.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...