10 Fascinating WWE SummerSlam 2001 Facts

6. Jericho Was Knocked Silly By The Mid-Air Gore

Rhyno really was something else in his mid-twenties prime. His bull-in-a-China-shop in-ring performances were truly mental, and opponents were functionally collateral damage as they cut flips off of his battering ram of a Gore. Chris Jericho will do anything to make an opponent look like a true world-beater, and was no stranger to taking Rhyno's Gore (he had previously taken one through the old SmackDown set). He took a particularly brutal bump off of one that SummerSlam.

There must have been no "spectacular, but safe" speech from management beforehand, because Jericho let Rhyno Gore him outside the ring, as Jericho descended from the top rope for a dive. The impact bounced Jericho's head off the arena floor.

It was never officially stated that Jericho had sustained any sort of concussion, but it was apparent that he was out of sorts later in the match, when he botched two consecutive springboard moves, in limp fashion. Incredibly, Jericho finished the match, and even worked a brief match on Raw the following night with Test.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.