10 Fascinating WWE Survivor Series 1991 Facts

6. Hercules Replaced Big Bully Busick

Undertaker Hulk Hogan

Colonel Mustafa's team is probably one of the more inauspicious in Survivor Series history. You had the Iron Sheik pushing 50 and pretending to be Iraqi, while leading John Nord as a viking (The Berzerker), Steve Keirn as a swamp-dweller (Skinner), and an end-of-the-line Hercules. Hercules only made it onto the show as a fill-in, taking the place of a rather short-lived character.

Hercules stepped in for Nick "Big Bully" Busick, a stout power-lifter whose gimmick was that he was a stereotypical turn-of-the-century bully, complete with bowler hat and thick-as-molasses mustache, while carrying a cigar. Busick looked the part of a certified roughneck, exaggerated attire and all, but the gimmick didn't resonate well.

Busick made his TV debut in August 1991, and quit the company by mid-November. To this day, Busick maintains the double-thick 'stache, which was evident in a local news feature in 2016, where he discusses valiantly defeating esophageal cancer.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.