10 Fascinating WWE WrestleMania 29 Facts

6. Big E And Fandango Wrestled Their First Televised Main Roster Matches On This Show

The Rock, John Cena

It's rare for WWE to let anybody, aside from a celebrity performer, work their very first televised WWE match at a WrestleMania. That's what makes it surprising that two such examples took place in concurrent matches at WrestleMania 29, one of which was a title bout.

Big E (still with his Langston attached) had existed solely as the silent enforcer of Dolph Ziggler, prior to teaming with him in the Tag Team title match against Team Hell No. He'd worked house show matches in the previous weeks, but this was his first main roster match with the red lights running.

As for Fandango, yes, he did perform on the interminable NXT Redemption as Johnny Curtis, but WrestleMania 29 was the true premiere of his ballroom-dancing character, scoring a win over Chris Jericho. Like Big E, he did work house shows in the short time before WrestleMania, most certainly in preparation for the big day.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.