10 Forgotten Finishers From Well-Known WWE Superstars

7. Dean Ambrose - Dirty Deeds (Original Variation)

Dean Ambrose Original Dirty Deeds
WWE Network

If you're thinking "wait a minute, Dean Ambrose still uses Dirty Deeds as his finisher", then you're technically right, but it's not the same Dirty Deeds. Back during The Shield's early days, Ambrose used a Headlock Driver by the same name to finish off his opponents in singles matches.

However, he then began using a Double-Arm DDT to win matches instead, and soon dropped the Headlock Driver altogether. To make the transition rather seamless, the commentators began referring to the DDT as Dirty Deeds.

While the official reason for Ambrose's change is unknown, it has been speculated that the Headlock Driver may have been considered too brutal (since he planted the opponent on the top of their head).


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.