10 Forgotten Storylines For WWE Hall Of Famers
3. G. I. Bro - Booker T

Booker T has been known by many names across his career; King Booker, G.I. Bro, the five-time, five-time, five-time... wait a second, G.I. Who?
In the year 2000, Booker was feuding with his brother Stevie Ray and new addition to WCW Big T, the former Ahmed Johnson in WWE. Calling themselves Harlem Heat 2000, Stevie and his new pal actually won the rights to the letter T in a match at SuperBrawl X.
Without a name, Booker reverted back to a gimmick he used right at the beginning of his career - an army man named G.I. Bro.
Luckily, there was a military-themed stable for him to join. G.I. Bro was a part of the Misfits in Action for about a month until he just gave up and went right back to being Booker T.
The whole storyline was utterly pointless and was completely forgotten about as Booker moved into the main event scene shortly thereafter.
However, it did crop up again in 2019 when the wrestler sued Activision over claims that a character in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 ripped the gimmick off.
He lost the case, which is a shame, as a courtroom Spin-A-Roonie would have been amazing.