10 Forgotten WCW Wrestlers You Totally Don't Remember

1. Johnny Attitude

Galaxy WCW

On the surface, Johnny Attitude sounds like WCW trying to belittle the WWF's 'Attitude' movement in the late-90s, but it wasn't. In fact, Johnny here started using that kayfabe'd surname in 1996, which was a good while before Vince McMahon was smugly encouraging you to, "Get it?" on federation screens.

Attitude resembled a discount Mr. T at first. He'd keep that look for all of his matches on Saturday Night, WorldWide and Pro heading into 1998. Then, someone on the creative team had a bright idea: Johnny would shave his head and start rocking a decidedly Goldberg-esque aesthetic in time for a US Title challenge vs. the man himself on the 25 May '98 Nitro.

That was Attitude's first and final Nitro bout, and also his biggest in the promotion overall.

WCW had a few of these cheesy-named workers in the late-90s. Remember Kenny Kaos? How about Bobby Blaze? It was create-a-wrestler heaven in that locker room, for goodness sake. Johnny Attitude stuck around a little while longer and worked several Saturday Night tapings in 1999 before disappearing.

What other random WCW stars can you remember? For more wrestling, check out 10 Forgotten WWE Managers You Totally Don't Remember and 10 Lockdown Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.