10 Forgotten WCW Wrestlers You Totally Don't Remember

4. Road Block

Galaxy WCW

Remember when impressionist Jason Sensation took the p*ss out of Owen Hart's old ring attire by saying, "I look like a damn road sign"? Well, WCW's Road Block was literally "a damn road sign". No, seriously - the wrestler's gimmick was that he blocked roads. Opponents had hit a dead end, my friend.

To hammer home the point, Block carried a literal road block with him to the ring for matches. Just as well nobody thought to be quite so literal with Bobby 'Brain' Heenan! Alright, alright. Enough of the dad jokes for one article. Understood. Back to Road Block and his bizarre WCW career.

It ran two years between 1996-1998.

Block faced stars like Lex Luger, The Giant, Chris Benoit, DDP and more during his time in the promotion. He had impressive size, but was more of a jobber to the stars than somebody Eric Bischoff was ever going to push. Tragically, he didn't wallop anybody with that prop either. What a waste.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.