10 Forgotten WCW Wrestlers You Totally Don't Remember

5. Galaxy

Galaxy WCW

This is a strange one.

Galaxy was working matches for WCW as Damien/Damian at the same time. So, in short, he wrestled as two different characters on the promotion's programming, and there was never any crossover. Announcers didn't acknowledge that it was the same wrestler - Galaxy and Damo were totally separate.

That'd be like Santos Escobar portraying a masked gimmick on Raw whilst also playing himself on episodes of SmackDown in the same week. It's pretty quirky that WCW let something like this happen, but Galaxy probs wasn't fussed. He was getting a pay off regardless of which persona he was booked to play.

Galaxy was introduced in 1996, but vanished around six months later. Damian became the man's go-to role on WCW TV after that. He'd stick around on the roster until 1999, then returned home to Mexico and continued his career until hanging it up in...wait, he's still wrestling?! What a guy.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.