10 Forgotten WWE Cameos From Major Stars Before They Were Famous

2. Daniel Bryan (Security Guard)

Daniel Bryan Brian Kendrick 2003 WWE SmackDown

Everyone talks about that match Bryan Danielson had against John Cena on old C-show Velocity back in 2003, but nobody remembers this. The Cena match aired on 8 February that year - two nights earlier, Bryan appeared on SmackDown in a totally different role.

He was there to stop Brian 'Spanky' Kendrick from streaking.

Sean O'Haire, under his "devil's advocate" guise, had dared Kendrick to strip down and sprint through the arena during a match. Spanky did it, disappeared so A-Train could squash Shannon Moore, and then re-emerged for more giggles. That's when Daniel Bryan showed up as a well-meaning security guard.

Kendrick slipped through Bryan's legs and ran up the ramp with his bare arse on show. Ever the performer, D-Bry followed him with gusto before darting back through the curtain. That'd be his last SmackDown showing for years.

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