10 Forgotten WWE Cameos From Major Stars Before They Were Famous

1. CM Punk (Brock Lesnar Fanboy)

Brock Lesnar CM Punk Fan 2003

CM Punk must cringe when he looks back on this now.

The outspoken rebel played a gushing fan on an episode of SmackDown back in 2003. His only task? To "mark out" for Brock Lesnar as the WWE Champion arrived at the building for that evening's show. It's so odd to look back on this now knowing more about Punk's fiery, anti-authority personality.

Others of note in the skit included Mr. Kennedy, Daivari and future TNA star ODB. It was Punk who stole the show with his hand-shaking, back-patting and high-fiving mannerisms though. Also, would anybody really be that shocked if they found out he was going OTT to poke fun at the ridiculousness of WWE's scripting?

A decade later, Punk was standing across the ring from Lesnar at SummerSlam 2013. It was a long road to that point, and WWE didn't bother digging through the archives for this throwaway SmackDown segment to help tell Punk's 'rags to riches' story.

What other major WWE stars had cameos before they were famous? For more wrestling, check out 18 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (April 26) and 10 Wrestlers WWE Treated Terribly On The Way Out!

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