10 Forgotten WWE Stables You Totally Don't Remember

1. The New Team Angle

Kurt Angle Luther Reigns Mark Jindrak

Members: Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak.

When: 2004-2005

Sticking Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin with Kurt Angle was a genius-level move in late-2002. The tag-team went from strength to strength as members of "Team Angle", and both OVW stars had instant credibility with the WWE audience thanks to their association with Kurt. TA was so well received that the writers wanted a reprise.

One without Shelty B or Charlie though.

In September 2004, Mark Jindrak joined Luther Reigns to become Angle's new proteges. The pair helped Kurt attack Big Show, and they'd become his new "Team Angle" until approx February 2005. Fans didn't take to Jindrak and Reigns the same way they had Haas and Benjamin. That's an understatement.

Kurt dumped the duo, then they ended up splitting after failing to take out The Undertaker. Clearly, WWE had given up on them - that's why the "new and improved" Angle coaching stable was abandoned so quickly after it formed. When people think "Team Angle", they think Kurt, Haas and Benjamin. End of story.

What other WWE stables have been largely forgotten by fans? For more like this, check out 10 Forgotten WWE Authority Figures You Totally Don't Remember and 10 Forgotten WWE Managers You Totally Don't Remember


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.