10 Forgotten WWE Stables You Totally Don't Remember

6. The NWA

Kurt Angle Luther Reigns Mark Jindrak

Members: Jim Cornette, Jeff Jarrett, Rock N’ Roll Express, New Midnight Express, Dan Severn and Barry Windham.

When: 1998

At least Extreme Expose had a defined role on the show. The same cannot be said for the WWF's woeful attempt to marry traditional pro wrestling with 'Attitude' in 1998. Jim Cornette and Jeff Jarrett led one of the most lifeless stables to ever hit programming: The NWA's revival. Good lord, it was unwanted.

Corny and Jarrett enlisted the Rock N' Roll Express, Barry Windham, Dan Severn and the New Midnight Express duo of Bombastic Bob (Holly) and Bodacious Bart (Gunn). It was as rubbish as it sounds. The NWA planned to celebrate wrestling's past by boring everyone to tears on the same shows that had Steve Austin tearing it up and Sable stealing headlines with her looks.

This was just never going to work, and that's why the whole thing goes down as some borderline-forgotten experiment that should have been trashed during booking meetings. Everyone in the NWA came across as the most boring versions of themselves.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.