10 Former Midcarders Who Could Return To WWE As Main Eventers In 2015

7. Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy's career is well-documented, so it would be redundant to recap it here. Matt, along with brother Jeff, are two of the most popular WWE superstars of recent years. The Hardy's certainly have an intense fan-following and are currently two of the most popular wrestlers in TNA. But as popular as Matt is and was, he has never been as popular as Jeff. As a result of this, Matt has not had the same kinds of opportunities that Jeff has. Jeff Hardy was pushed as a world champion before leaving the company in 2009 while Matt was stuck in the midcard. But Matt is a great all-rounder. It was Matt who would structure those exciting Hardy Boys matches in the early and mid-2000's and hold them together in the ring. Matt never got a real main event run in WWE. He was ECW champion, but that was very much the same as being a midcarder. He can still bring it in the ring (as evidenced by the crazy Full Metal Mayhem match TNA aired recently) and has a dedicated fan base. The question is: would WWE give Matt another chance considering his erratic behaviour before and after leaving the WWE in 2010?

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...